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Insights | Performance Testing
27 July, 2020

LoadRunner Cloud, Professional or Enterprise? Which one is right for you?

LoadRunner, it’s the industry standard performance test tool. The best of breed that all others are compared to.

LoadRunner is more than just a single product

Micro Focus have consolidated 3 of their performance testing tools under the LoadRunner banner, each with a different focus and price point. They are: 

  1. LoadRunner Cloud (formerly StormRunner Load)
  2. LoadRunner Professional (formerly LoadRunner)
  3. LoadRunner Enterprise (formerly Performance Center)

LoadRunner Family – 3 Class leading tools, each with a different purpose

All 3 members of the LoadRunner family share a lot in common, including class leading scalability (up to 5 million virtual users), integrated network virtualization, compatibility with open-source scripting tools and predictive analytics to help you pinpoint performance issues.

In this insight, we’re going to focus on the differences, and summarise which version of LoadRunner is right for you.

1. LoadRunner Cloud

LoadRunner Cloud is a SaaS based cloud load and performance testing solution. It makes it easy to plan, run, and scale agile web and mobile without the need to deploy and manage infrastructure – the cloud sourced load generators are available on a pay per use basis.

  • Cloud Based so no infrastructure costs
  • Primarily aimed at Web and Mobile protocols
  • Only pay for the virtual users you need, when you need them

2. LoadRunner Professional

LoadRunner Professional is the industry standard project-based performance testing solution. It supports the widest range of technologies of any performance test tool, and the protocol list is expanding all the time. It is the tool that made performance testing credible and continues to be the rock-solid and robust choice of leading enterprise customers.

  • Supports the widest range of application environments and protocols
  • Complete solution for mobile application performance testing
  • Focussed on local teams running complicated real-world scenarios

3. LoadRunner Enterprise

LoadRunner Enterprise takes performance testing to a global level and integrates seamlessly with your Micro Focus ALM suite. Multiple controllers allow for concurrent discrete performance tests, scheduling means your teams never step on each other’s toes. LoadRunner Enterprise allows globally distributed performance engineering.

  • Supports global teams through web-based testing framework
  • Multiple Controllers allow for simultaneous testing
  • Integration with other Micro Focus tools allows complete application management

Which LoadRunner Version is for you?

Whatever your performance, there’s a LoadRunner version for you…

  • If you’re looking to quickly run web and mobile tests, without setting up dedicated infrastructure, then LoadRunner Cloud is your best option.
  • If you want the widest possible protocol support and complex load scenarios, then you should look at LoadRunner Professional.
  • If you’re running enterprise level, globally distributed performance engineering projects then LoadRunner Enterprise is the choice for you.

Need more information? Calleo can help you

Calleo are the UK’s leading LoadRunner provider. We will work with you to select the right option, build ROI calculators and help you with those tricky internal discussions. Get in touch with us today and find your performance issues before your customers do.

Get in touch

Stephen Davis
by Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis is the founder of Calleo Software, a OpenText (formerly Micro Focus) Gold Partner. His passion is to help test professionals improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing.

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