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28 June, 2023

SaaS-Based Test Automation: ValueEdge Functional Test

ValueEdge Functional Test

In 2022 OpenText launched ValueEdge, an end-to-end, cloud-based Value Stream Management (VSM) platform. Included in this launch was ValueEdge Functional Test – a brand new SaaS-based functional test tool complete with codeless scripting and Model-Based Testing.

You may have heard of ValueEdge Functional Test but don’t know what it is and what to expect. Well, I’m here to help. If you want to learn more about VSM, check out this article.

I’ve had a play with the product, and in this ValueEdge Functional Test evaluation, I explore its modules and features.

What is ValueEdge Functional Test?

ValueEdge Functional Test is a modern set of tools built for the digital world.

At a high level, ValueEdge Functional is a powerful new suite of functional test automation tools that can be used standalone or as part of ValueEdge, OpenText’s Value Stream Management (VSM) solution.

As OpenText put it, ValueEdge Functional Test is a “One stop shop for all your functional testing needs that enables anyone to easily test anything on any platform from anywhere.”

ValueEdge Functional Test Modules

ValueEdge Functional Test consists of the following 4 modules:

  • Design: Create codeless scripts, using AI-based object identification
    • Leverage AI Object-Detection to identify objects in your application as a human would.
    • AI-based automated testing helps you save time, increase resilience, and develop robust application test automation.
    • Codeless scripts are written in natural language
    • They look like manual tests and are easy to understand

    • Create tests against real applications or mock-ups

  • Model Based Testing: Generate test cases based on a graphical model that describes the functional aspects of the system under test.
    • Create models representing your application’s business processes.Generate component-based test suites to test specific units based on your testing requirements and run tests in a testing tool such as UFT One. Use codeless, UFT or Selenium components.

    • Note: I like to think of this as a modern version of Business Process Testing (BPT)

  • Digital lab: Provision cloud infrastructure to run your tests
    • Currently supports Chrome and Firefox, we expect Safari and Edge to come soon
    • An end-to-end quality lab of real devices, emulators, and browsers that help you test, monitor, and optimise your mobile apps for an enhanced user experience.

    • We expect support for cloud-hosted mobile devices to arrive soon

  • Execution: Execute tests in OpenText’s cloud environment.
    • Select the testing tool and browser versions, add your tests to a test suite, and Execution will run your tests in the cloud.

    • Codeless, UFT, or Selenium tests

SaaS-Based Functional Test Automation

ValueEdge Functional Test is SaaS-based, and because of this, is a very convenient solution. Generally, SaaS tools are easier, quicker and give you fewer headaches than on-premises solutions.

ValueEdge Functional Test is easily accessible by remote testers and cuts out virtually every hidden or associated cost, like installation, annual support, and ongoing maintenance effort.

Not only is ValueEdge Functional Test always available, but it’s also always up-to-date. You’ll always have access to the latest functionality and enhancements.

ValueEdge Functional Test is highly scalable, from team to enterprise, because it is a SaaS test tool. There are licencing options to suit every business.

Integration into ValueEdge Suite

ValueEdge is OpenText’s (formerly Micro Focus) Value Stream Management (VSM) solution. Because ValueEdge Functional Test sits within the wider ValueEdge suite, it is VSM native.

ValueEdge Functional Test integrates seamlessly with other tools in the suite; for example, your test results are available within the ValueEdge Quality module and feed into the ValueEdge Dashboard module.

If you’ve implemented VSM, or are planning to, then the ValueEdge suite is a great choice. Even if you’ve no interest in VSM, you should give this tool serious consideration.

SaaS, coupled with advanced features like Codeless and Model Based Testing, makes ValueEdge a very effective test automation tool. It’s accessible, easy to learn, and very efficient.

ValueEdge Functional Test: In Summary

ValueEdge Functional Test looks like a really useful cloud-based functional test tool suite. It does many things and saves you from needing several tools to do different jobs.

It’s worth mentioning that the capability to execute UFT One scripts extends ValueEdge test coverage to include enterprise software applications and all other technologies supported by UFT One.

If you are looking for a functional testing tool or an upgrade on what you have or to simplify browser and mobile testing, you should check ValueEdge Functional Test out.

Stephen Davis
by Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis is the founder of Calleo Software, a OpenText (formerly Micro Focus) Gold Partner. His passion is to help test professionals improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing.

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