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AppPulse Mobile

Whether it’s slow performance, app crashes, battery drain or something else, mobile users don’t have patience for apps that let them down. More than half of mobile users uninstall apps that crash, and more than a third stop using apps if those apps are battery hogs. (Source: Dimensional Research, “Mobile App Use and Abandonment”, January 2015.)

AppPulse Mobile can help you step into your users’ shoes and understand where your app needs fixes and improvements. 

Automatically capture all screens and user actions. See what your users are doing, what devices and OS they are using, and what problems they encounter. See where your users exited and abandoned the app, and correlate that with performance and stability metrics.

With FunDex, AppPulse Mobile measures UI performance, app stability and resource usage, providing a simple, clear 0–100 score that indicates the ‘health’ of the app. Track your score over time to see that your fixes are working. Positive progress with your FunDex score gives you a better chance of achieving high ratings in the app store.

Benefits of AppPulse Mobile

  • Easy-to-understand benchmarking: FunDex delivers a unique mobile user experience benchmark index. Track negative application occurrences such as crashes and slow performance to help you understand where improvements are needed.
  • Crash analytics: detailed data and crash analytics provide you the information needed to improve your application stability and avoid crashes in the future. You’ll see data such as the action users performed and the OS version used, giving you the info you need to make sure the issue gets fixed.
  • End-to-end transaction tracing: trace transactions across distributed application tiers to show end-to-end transaction flows. See code-level detail for every user interaction, including time spent in methods and SQL statements and exceptions.
  • No code changes, tagless: keep your release cycles on track by implementing AppPulse Mobile. It’s quick and simple – you won’t need to change code or add any tags.

To find out more about how AppPulse Mobile can help you, get in touch.

Click to Request a Free Demo / Trial



Further Information

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