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Insights | Performance Testing
5 August, 2020

Black Friday + Covid. Act Today, Protect Your Reputation!

We should be used to Black Friday. The imported sales spectacular has taken hold of the UK over the last few years… but we STILL see crashes!

We know when it’s coming, we know it will stress our systems, we know that we’ll miss out if we’re not ready… but systems still falter and companies miss out. Here’s a video I put out a couple of years ago, but unfortunately, it’s still relevant.  

This year, COVID-19 has pushed even more shopping online. Will you cope?

Black Friday 2020 is poised to become the biggest ever. Will your systems cope? Or could you lose out on the biggest ever online sales spike?

Now is the time to take action!

What Are Your Options?

Luckily you have 3 options, albeit with varying pros and cons:

Option 1 – Keep your fingers crossed

  • Pros – No investment required
  • Cons –  No idea whether you will cope, or crash

Option 2 – Spend money on more infrastructure

  • Pros – It might increase your load capacity, incrementally at best – see Amdahl’s Law
  • Cons – Costly, no guarantee of success, long lead times, lots of effort

Options 3 – Performance Testing

  • Pros – Fast, Cost effective, Flush out defects, understand your load capacity, pinpoint corrective effort, smash your revenue targets
  • Cons – Slight increase in short term expenditure

I’ve seen all 3 approaches over the long course of my career, and the first 2 options rarely work. They just leave too much to chance.

Performance testing is the only way to know that your business will cope.

Now is the Time to Run Performance Tests

You might be thinking, “yeah, that sounds great, but we just don’t have the time to set up performance testing”. Well thankfully, It’s not too late…

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now” – Old Chinese Proverb

Now is absolutely the time to test your systems, to performance test your solution and protect your revenue (and reputation).

You need a solution that can:

  • Deploy rapidly
  • Test your solution thoroughly
  • Scale to your predicted volumes (and beyond).

There really is only one choice when it comes to this sort of performance testing…

LoadRunner Cloud – Your Perfect Solution 

LoadRunner Cloud is the perfect tool to test your system:

  • No lead time required for infrastructure setup
  • Web and mobile protocols are ready to go
  • No long term commitment
  • Only pay for the testing you need

Not only this, but LoadRunner Cloud also provides class-leading reporting and predictive root-cause analysis. This means that your teams will have the maximum information to quickly identify and fix performance defects.

It’s not too late. Act Now to Protect Your Business!

Stephen Davis
by Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis is the founder of Calleo Software, a OpenText (formerly Micro Focus) Gold Partner. His passion is to help test professionals improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing.

To view Stephen's LinkedIn profile and connect 

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5th August 2020
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