Performance testing is an outlier, a bit mysterious, a dark art performed by mad scientists. It requires technical wizardry, complex set-up, involvement from multiple teams, and often some mathematical gymnastics to extrapolate meaningful results. Needless to say, it can be a bit daunting.
With functional testing, you can pretty much hand anyone a well-written script and let them run it, although it’s amazing how many people still get that wrong.
Performance is a whole different beast. Whatever type you’re doing, be it stress, load/volume, soak, or anything else, you’ll generally need to invest time, schedule calendars, and ask everyone to cross their fingers.
My favourite is Spike testing, by the way. Besides having a cool name, it is guaranteed to exercise the application and infrastructure, using muscles that they would not normally use. It also has the added bonus of making the system architect chew their nails and sweat.
Would Faster and Easier Performance Testing Make a Difference to Your Project?
Fortunately, there is a modern solution that significantly simplifies this complex process.
SaaS performance tools remove most setup headaches, giving you access to pre-configured cloud-based performance infrastructure. No more setting up load injectors or installing controllers. Instead, you just log on and choose where in the world you want to run your tests.
Cloud-based performance test tools also make it much easier to run tests remotely and stay contractually compliant.
Oh, and obviously, because they’re SaaS, you never have to perform a single upgrade!
If you use other SaaS products—and who doesn’t these days—you’ll know what to expect from cloud-based tools. SaaS performance tools make performance testing much easier and are much more cost-effective.
LoadRunner Cloud is the Standout SaaS Performance Testing Tool
When it comes to SaaS performance testing tools, LoadRunner Cloud is the undoubted class leader.
As the name suggests, LoadRunner Cloud is a member of the highly successful LoadRunner family of performance tools. As such, it benefits from decades of extensive development and improvements, supporting old and new technologies.
LoadRunner Cloud supports Waterfall, Agile, and DevOps and allows users to run load tests for all flavours of web, web services, mobile, and applications such as SAP, Oracle, and Citrix.
Anyone familiar with other LoadRunner products will love the included VuGen Script creation tool; however, LoadRunner Cloud also supports open-source scripts, such as JMeter and Gatling.
Plus if you have a complex web application, are new to performance testing or want to test the real-world user experience there is TruClient.
LoadRunner Cloud is Constantly Being Improved
As with all OpenText test tools, LoadRunner Cloud is always getting better, with multiple versions released every year. As mentioned above, because it’s cloud-based, you automatically get the latest and greatest features without ever needing to upgrade.
Over the last year alone, there have been 3 major updates.
I was originally planning to list all of the recent changes here, but there have been far too many for a single blog. I then thought about adding just a few highlights, but you’re probably going to appreciate different things to me.
Instead, I’ve included links to the relevant ‘What’s New’ pages and added the official OpenText release videos below:
LoadRunner Cloud Version 2024.1 (January 2024)
Find about about the latest update here: What’s new in version 2024.1
LoadRunner Cloud Version 2023.11 (November 2023)
Read about the features added in this updates here: What’s new in version 2023.11
LoadRunner Cloud Version 2023.07
Read about the features added in this update here: What’s new in version 2023.07 (July 2023)
How to Learn More About LoadRunner Cloud
Are you interested in faster and easier performance testing? Do you have a remote team or hybrid working? Would you like to save money?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these, LoadRunner Cloud is worth looking at.
SaaS-based performance testing makes the whole process easier, and LoadRunner Cloud is the best tool out there.
At Calleo, we are a gold-level OpenText partner and authorised tools reseller. We can help you work out what you need, arrange demos, and give you a competitive quote.
Get in touch today. We can get you started in no time at all!