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5 March, 2024

Test Automation: 6 Reasons UFT One is The Only Tool You Need

UFT One Automation Heavy Lifting

In the fast-paced world of software development, functional testing is critical to ensure your solutions perform as expected. Unlike manual testing, which is time-consuming and prone to human error, test automation streamlines the testing process, offering a faster, more accurate, cost-effective solution.

By automating repetitive tasks, developers and testers can focus on more complex and creative problem-solving, significantly enhancing productivity and software quality.

Furthermore, test automation facilitates continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), enabling teams to quickly identify and address defects, thus accelerating the development cycle and improving the software’s resilience.

There is an array of automation tools available, but OpenText UFT One is the standout choice, offering a complete solution for all your needs.

In this insight, we look at six reasons why UFT One is the only functional testing tool you’ll ever need.

6 Reasons UFT One is The Only Tool You Need

No other automation tool has the same breadth of functionality, application coverage and professional support as UFT One. Other tools require an investment of time, effort and energy to compile a versatile automation framework – whereas UFT One provides an all-in-one solution that’s ready to automate more applications that any other tool.

Here are 6 reasons why UFT One is the only automation tool you need:

1. Unmatched Application Coverage for Comprehensive Testing

UFT One is the most versatile automation solution on the market, with unparalleled support across various applications and environments. It accommodates testing for web, mobile, API, and enterprise applications effortlessly, providing a unified testing solution.

UFT can be used with any development methodology, including Agile and DevOps, and ensures your testing processes remain effective and streamlined, irrespective of the framework adopted.

2. AI-Powered Scripting for Efficiency and Accuracy

UFT One uses artificial intelligence to significantly reduce script creation time and maintenance effort. This innovation enhances efficiency and minimises the susceptibility to human errors, thereby refining the quality of test design and execution.

3. Seamless CI/CD Pipeline Integration for Speed and Agility

Many software development projects utilise continuous development and deployment where testing tools are required to integrate with CI/CD pipelines.

UFT One excels in streamlining the testing process within your CI/CD workflows. This facilitates quicker feedback loops and accelerates the release cycle, enabling your products to reach the market swiftly without compromising quality.

4. Advanced Analytics and Reporting for Informed Decision-Making

UFT One sets the standard with its comprehensive reporting and analytics features.

These powerful tools offer deep insights into the testing process, enabling teams to identify and address issues promptly. The detailed reports and analytics provided by UFT One support informed decision-making, enhancing software quality and reliability.

This advanced analytics and reporting capability ensures that teams can track progress, pinpoint challenges, and implement improvements effectively, contributing to the overall success of the development project.

5. Includes UFT Developer for Shift Left automation

UFT One provides developers with a robust IDE-based automation solution. This allows engineers to write, execute, and manage tests without leaving the familiarity of their chosen IDE.

This encourages early testing in the development lifecycle, promoting a culture of quality and ensuring that testing is an integral part of the development process.

6. Comprehensive Professional Support

The robust ecosystem surrounding UFT One is invaluable. With extensive documentation, forums, and dedicated professional support, users can get answers to questions, fully leverage UFT One’s capabilities, and maximise their investment return.

UFT: The Definitive Test Automation Solution

UFT One transcends the conventional boundaries of functional testing tools, offering a holistic solution tailored to meet the multifaceted demands of modern software development.

Its broad application coverage, AI-enhanced scripting, seamless CI/CD integration, detailed analytics, collaborative features, and robust support network collectively establish UFT One as the indispensable test automation tool for achieving excellence in software quality and innovation.

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Stephen Davis
by Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis is the founder of Calleo Software, a OpenText (formerly Micro Focus) Gold Partner. His passion is to help test professionals improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing.

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