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29 May, 2024

How to Implement Agile & Test Management Within VSM

How to implement VSM

To help you implement VSM, Open Text has released ValueEdge, a groundbreaking suite of integrated tools. Today, we’re going to look at two of these solutions:

  • ValueEdge Agile: A state-of-the-art Agile and DevOps management tool
  • ValueEdge Quality: A best-in-class test management solution

ValueEdge Agile and ValueEdge Quality work together to enable smooth software development within VSM landscapes. By integrating the two tools, you increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Agile and DevOps testing processes, driving quality and value.

This is our 2nd article in a series on implementing Value Stream Management (VSM). Check out last week’s article for a primer on VSM and to see how it can help you reduce project costs the right way.

Why should you care about VSM?

Value Stream Management (VSM) helps organisations deliver value to customers and your own business.

Key to this is a cross-functional approach, which encourages businesses to move away from traditional siloed software development. This involves tight integration between project teams, an increasing shift to Agile and DevOps methodologies, and frequent testing.

If you have not considered VSM, chances are someone on your company board has been but may not know how to make it happen.

As explained in last week’s article, ValueEdge Strategy is a key building block to help make implementing VSM as easy as possible.

Today I’m giving you an explanation of two more tools that will make VSM even easier, and help drive quality throughout your software projects; ValueEdge Agile and ValueEdge Quality

Why VSM Projects Need ValueEdge Agile

Agile is a cornerstone of software development within VSM landscapes. It not only brings cross-functional teams together but also focuses on what matters; each sprint is planned to deliver real value.

The only real way to unlock the power of Agile is with effective Agile management software, and this is where ValueEdge Agile comes in. It provides everything you need to build and manage your product and team backlogs.

ValueEdge Agile consists of the following submodules:

  • Backlog:
    • The first step in the development process is building and prioritising the product backlog.
    • Includes everything you’d expect, including rankings, business dependencies, business values, test coverage
  • Team Backlog:
    • Build a team backlog to plan and track your team’s assignments in a release and sprint.
    • Edit team capacity and objectives, assign items to team members, and check progress
  • Requirements:
    • With requirements, you have a central repository for documenting and tracking all aspects of your project, from conception to delivery.
    • Examples include business goals, customer requests, functional requirements, or any other requirements whose approval and progress you want to track.

Drive Agile and DevOps Testing Efficiency with ValueEdge Quality

ValueEdge Quality is a powerful test management tool with serious heritage and credentials. It is essentially an updated version of ALM Octane, OpenText’s class-leading DevOps and Agile test management tool.

I’ve spoke at length about the importance of good test management tools. In my opinion, they form the core of every successful test management team; there is no way you can run an effective test function without them. Check out this insight to understand why they’re so important.

When it comes to test management tools, ValueEdge Quality has everything a DevOps and Agile project could ever need; it also integrates seamlessly with waterfall test management tools like OpenText ALM/Quality Center.

ValueEdge Quality provides you with a full set of testing tools to ensure the quality of your releases and of the product as a whole.

ValueEdge Quality consists of the following submodules:

  • Quality:
    • Analyse quality by business areas, locate pain points in your product and concentrate your efforts in these areas.
    • The Quality module uses an ‘application module tree’ to display a logical depiction of the product, reflecting the product’s functional areas.
  • Pipelines:
    • Incorporate data from your pipelines into your application delivery process, helping you analyse quality, progress, change impact, and code coverage.
    • After you set up ValueEdge to integrate with your continuous integration (CI) server, you can create pipelines in ValueEdge.
  • Issues:
    • Submit defects detected in testing and track security vulnerabilities discovered in your code.
    • The Issues submodule lets you report, track, analyse, assign and move issues to different workspaces.

Why ValueEdge Agile and Quality Are Perfect Partners

Given that testing is a fundamental part of Agile and DevOps approaches, the tools we’ve been discussing today are designed to work seamlessly together.

ValueEdge Agile and ValueEdge Quality share a common, integrated platform, enabling teams to move smoothly between managing backlogs, planning sprints, and executing tests. This unified workflow ensures quality is built into the development process from the beginning rather than being an afterthought.

Both tools support real-time collaboration among cross-functional teams. Developers, testers, and project managers can access up-to-date information on project status, test results, and quality metrics.

This transparency helps achieve the overall Agile and DevOps aims of rapid delivery, early issue detection, and reduced risk of costly post-release defects.

Implement Agile & Test Management Within VSM

Implementing Value Stream Management with ValueEdge Agile and ValueEdge Quality can transform your software development process.

These fully integrated tools help ensure your projects deliver value efficiently by fostering collaboration, integrating quality assurance, and providing real-time insights.

If you’re embarking on VSM or are ready to take your Agile and DevOps practices to the next level, consider incorporating ValueEdge Agile and Quality into your workflow.

Get in touch to learn more about how these tools can benefit your organisation and start your journey towards seamless, high-quality software delivery today!

Stephen Davis
by Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis is the founder of Calleo Software, a OpenText (formerly Micro Focus) Gold Partner. His passion is to help test professionals improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing.

To view Stephen's LinkedIn profile and connect 

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