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the pareto principle

The Pareto Principle: 6 Ways to Test Smarter With The 80-20 Rule

In many ways, software testing is the art of doing more with less. Efficiency is the name of the game. Testing teams are often encouraged to abandon best practices when timings get tight. I will show you 6 ways you can get ahead of the game and test smarter and faster with the 80-20 rule

customer experience

4 Ways to Improve Customer Experience with LoadRunner Cloud

The performance of your website or application is often the deciding factor between a satisfied customer and an angry ex-customer. If you don’t test performance adequately, you leave your solution’s success to little more than chance.

a proactive approach to software testing

Why a Proactive Mindset is Vital For Software Testing

By being intentional in your software testing approach, you’re not just reacting to bugs; you’re getting ahead of the game, reducing project durations, reducing costs and enabling robust, reliable, and user-friendly products.

dont waste time on open source

Are You Wasting Money on Cheap Test Tools?

Whenever there’s a debate about open source vs. professional tools, many jump to the defence of ‘free’ open-source tools. But how free is ‘free’ really, or to put it another way, how much money are you prepared to waste on ‘free’ tools?


Do Good Intentions Fade Sooner Than Your Suntan?

what happens when the suitcases are back in the loft, and the tan begins to fade? Do our grand plans and good intentions survive the transition from those idyllic settings to our bustling, ‘real-world’ lives?





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