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Faster, Higher, Stronger – Has Testing Become an Olympic Challenge?

I didn’t realise until this year, but there are actually only 15 sports at the Winter Olympics, compared to 42 in the summer. That means that, as PyeongChang 2018 took place a few months back, you heard a lot about a tiny handful of sports, such as skiing, ice skating

Highlights of version 14.03 of UFT and LeanFT

Highlights of version 14.03 of UFT and LeanFT. Micro Focus announce version 14.03 of Unified Functional Testing (UFT) and Lean Functional Testing (LeanFT). This release introduces a number of new features and enhancements, all designed to support today’s Ultra-agile testing demands. If you are interested in UFT or LeanFT,

How to build the business case for test tools

Your company is shortly going to launch its new eCommerce website or application. You have to test it thoroughly and quickly, but either you don’t have tools, or you know that the current tools you have will not do the job. It’s already clear how it’s going to unfold. Everyone

What is the true cost of free testing tools?

One of your technical testers walks into your office. “Look, I know that you’re thinking about how we’ve going to test our mobile app, and I have a suggestion….. “I’ve found an amazing freeware testing tool that is almost perfect for the job.” You smile, because you can see how

Mobile Center

With more than 50% of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, how can you ensure your application deliver the quality, speed and security mobile and tablet users demand? Mobile users judge their experience based on the speed of the app, the quality of service and perception of security – regardless

Free v Paid for software – do we need to buy software anymore?

Over the past year, I’ve caught up with many old contacts, some of whom have moved on to new companies. When I tell them that I’m now heading a HPE – Hewlett Packard Enterprise (now Micro Focus) Gold partner, selling testing software, many are very eager to hear more. But

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Software to Improve Your Testing

It’s only natural that you have high expectations when you buy software to improve your testing. You want to improve your ability to test and to make life easier. You may be expecting to get greater traceability, visibility, test coverage, more automation, to save time – or all of these.





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