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Does the World Quality Report Speak to You?

Micro Focus, Capgemini and Sogeti released the 14th edition of the World Quality Report recently. In addition to the main report, the team also released a number of region-specific reports, including this UK-focused report. I am an enterprise software professional with over 3 decades of experience and regular, direct contact with many UK businesses

How To Avoid This Expensive Mistake When Choosing Test Tools

I spend a large percentage of my working week speaking with test managers about tools and budgets. One of the most common questions I ask is, ‘Have you considered the total cost of ownership?’. I estimate 80% answer ‘No’ – They do not consider the total cost of ownership. Even

the real reason consultancies want you to use open source

The Real Reason Consultancies Push Open Source Tools

Fun fact: A consultancy’s primary objective is to generate services revenue. They want you to spend your money on consultancy days, not on labour-saving tools. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they often lead customers down the open-source software route. Consultancies will dress it up in one way or another, but free tools

Software testing small steps big changes

Software Testing: How You Make a Success of 2022

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is right now. The same applies to testing tools. If you want to improve, then at some point you must take the plunge. Now is the perfect time. Looking back at 2021, did everything go

Software is Never Free, but SaaS can save you money

Why Software is Never Free

No software is entirely free, no matter how small the license cost. In fact, free software products often end up costing the most in the long run. But there is an easy way to reduce your costs. Companies and procurement always want to get the best price for anything they buy. Software

Software Quality Engineering

Software Quality Engineering: New Name or Genuine Change?

I’ve been involved in the IT world for 30+ years, first as a developer and then as a software tester. Throughout that time there have been many trends, and another is starting to gain momentum.  More and more often, I hear people use ‘Quality Engineering’ in place of ‘Quality Assurance’.

Accelerate Device Testing with UFT Mobile

Hidden Gems: Accelerate Your Device Testing with UFT Mobile

Mobile testing presents an ever-increasing challenge to the test team. Devices are already more important and more complex than ever before, and these trends are set to continue indefinitely. UFT Mobile is by far the best tool for this challenge, but hardly anybody knows about it. What is UFT Mobile?

SaaS Test Tools

Test Tools – 5 Reasons Why SaaS is a No-Brainer

SaaS Test Tools are becoming more and more popular, and for good reason; SaaS is the most convenient and easy way to purchase test tool licenses. If you haven’t made the change already, now is the right time for SaaS test tools.  This insight looks at 5 clear reasons why SaaS

Micro Focus - Where Software Goes to Die?

Micro Focus – Where Software Goes to Die?

You’ve probably heard it said, Micro Focus is where software goes to die. Even if you haven’t heard it, it’s pithy enough to convey the sentiment; Micro Focus buy products to run them to end of life, milking their service contracts without investing in them. But is it true? In





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