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Search Results for: open source

How Secure Are Open Source Test Tools?

There’s a polarisation of opinion amongst test tool users – it boils down to where you stand on the following question: Open source v paid tools. In this debate, there’s one area that I don’t think gets enough attention, application security. Even when it is discussed, I often hear the open-source

Open Source vs Paid? 7 Useful Insights to Help You Choose

Open Source or Paid tools? It’s one of the biggest questions facing software projects and is a question that can deeply divide opinions. It’s a choice that often boils down to the perceived cost – free versus paid. But is it as simple as that? Once you scratch beneath the surface, there’s

the real reason consultancies want you to use open source

The Real Reason Consultancies Push Open Source Tools

Fun fact: A consultancy’s primary objective is to generate services revenue. They want you to spend your money on consultancy days, not on labour-saving tools. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they often lead customers down the open-source software route. Consultancies will dress it up in one way or another, but free tools

Open-Source or Micro Focus Test Tools? Why not both?

Think Micro Focus are trying to replace your open-source test tools? Think again! During this year’s Universe event, Micro Focus made it very clear – They are actively embracing open-source and announced wide-ranging integrations, efficiencies, and mutually beneficial enhancements.  Here’s just a taste of what was covered… Why Use Open-Source

dont waste time on open source

Are You Wasting Money on Cheap Test Tools?

Whenever there’s a debate about open source vs. professional tools, many jump to the defence of ‘free’ open-source tools. But how free is ‘free’ really, or to put it another way, how much money are you prepared to waste on ‘free’ tools?

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